

A patent pending immunomodulator that is proven to be effective against enveloped virus infection like Newcastle disease, Avian Influenza, and Infectious bronchitis.


AVFTM exerts action in two different pathways

  • Antiviral: AVF™ destroys viral envelope thereby rendering them incapable of causing infection.
  • Immunomodulation: AVF™ elicits strong innate immune response mitigating faster clearance of viral infection in chickens.

Usage guidelines:

Infectious Bronchitis (Nephro) in broiler chickens:

  • Prevention: 30 ml per 100 birds in day 8 - 11
  • The above preventive schedule in broiler chickens had shown 80-100% reduction in mortality in field trials. In case of severity, the treatment days can be extended upto 13th day of age for better results.

Avian Influenza/Newcastle disease/Respiratory rales (viral origin):

  • Prevention: 20 per 100 birds during day 17 - 22.
  • Treatment: 30 - 40 ml per birds for 5 days
  • Please note for secondary infection, combination of AVF™ & antibiotics would lead to better outcome.
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