Mon - Fri: 9:00 - 18:00
This meat tenderizing product XTENDEE is for treating meat at pre or post rigor stage, improves tenderness, colour, texture or other qualities of meat under ambient temperature, in freeze or chilled storage. The present product is for processing meat to enhance tenderness by preventing lactic acid synthesis, reduces muscle fibre shortening, ensures oxygen availability in muscle tissues at post slaughter stage, increase moisture retention in muscle tissues etc. XTENDEE is versatile product improves tenderness, colour, texture or other qualities of meat either in fresh meat at normal temperature hot packing or in freeze or chill storage for months. XTENDEE improving meat tenderness by inhibiting lactate accumulation, supplying energy to inhibit permanent locking of muscle fibre and increase moisture retention in fresh meat and cold storage condition. At pre rigor stage meat/beef can be either soaked or sprayed containing XTENDEE aqueous solution for few minutes. Any type of meat can be treated according to the method of the present invention, such as chicken, fish, beef, pork and lamb.
When animal is slaughtered, its carcass begins to lose tenderness which results in a shrinkage and tough meat. This process of meat toughening continues through either at ambient temperature or under chilled and freeze storage for transport until the meat is processed for consumption. Quick chilling has common problems of cold shortening in beef and mutton when in its pre-rigor phase, reaches temperatures of 10°C or lower. These conditions cause irreversible contractions of the muscle tissue which toughen the meat even after prolonged pretreatment. Meat toughness increased within few hours following slaughter even at ambient temperature or hot condition at pre rigor stage, and when a carcass of animal undergoes rigor mortis the muscles in the carcass are naturally contract. Meat tenderness can be significantly improved if select high-value muscles (the primal cuts) are prevented from contracting, or even forced to lengthen, during rigor, thus resulting in a decreased need for aging and benefits across livestock producers, meat processors, wholesale distributors, retailers, and consumers.
This XTENDEE acts as enzyme inhibitor responsible for retaining tenderness of muscle tissues during normal temperature or under cold storage. This XTENDEE also increases oxygen concentration, and due to the unique property of carrying oxygen to the meat, the meat is supplied with oxygen during hot and cold storage. This XTENDEE has also anti freezing property and prevents the cold shortening of microfibrils, sercomeres, and other muscle fibres under storage condition.
Meat/beef slices can be either soaked or sprayed containing XTENDEE for few minutes to soak the tenderizing liquid completely on the meat treated. Any type of meat can be treated according to the method of the present invention, such as chicken, fish, beef, pork and lamb.